How to Get Rid of Cologne Smell Fast: Easy Steps & Tips for You

Do you love wearing cologne but hate the overpowering fragrance that lingers for hours? Don’t worry; you’re not alone. Many people struggle with getting rid of the stubborn cologne smell from their clothes, skin, and room.

But the good news is, it’s easier than you think to eliminate that smell and get back to smelling fresh and clean. Whether you’ve applied an Eau de Toilette or an Eau de Parfum, there’s a way to get rid of the scent.

Expensive designer perfumes and the best perfume alternatives are usually harder to get rid of, as they have a stronger oil fragrance.

In this article, we’ll share some easy steps and tips on how to get rid of cologne smell quickly and effectively. From removing the scent from clothes to neutralizing it in a room, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways

  • Getting rid of cologne smell is easier than you think, and you don’t always need to wash your clothes to eliminate it.
  • There are many quick and effective methods to remove the smell of cologne from clothes, skin, and rooms.
  • Using natural odor-neutralizing products, homemade solutions, and air purifiers can help you neutralize strong cologne smells effectively.

How to Remove Perfume Smell from Clothes Without Washing

If you’re in a rush and don’t have time to do laundry, there are still ways to eliminate the smell of cologne from your clothes. The following methods are effective in odor removal and will leave your clothes smelling fresh and clean.

Vinegar and Water Solution

Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a spray bottle.

Spray the solution directly onto the affected areas of your clothes.

Allow the solution to sit for 5-10 minutes, then pat the area with a towel to remove excess moisture.

The vinegar smell will dissipate as it dries, leaving your clothes fresh and odor-free.

Baking Soda and Cornstarch Powder

Combine equal parts of baking soda and cornstarch powder in a bowl. Apply the mixture directly onto the affected areas of your clothes and let it sit for 30 minutes. Shake or brush off the excess powder and enjoy your fresh-smelling clothes.

Note: You can also add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender or lemon, to enhance the scent of your clothes.

With these easy methods, you can remove perfume smell from clothes without having to wash them. Try them out the next time you need a quick fix for unwanted cologne odor!

How to Remove Perfume Smell from Clothes Instantly

Eliminating cologne smell from clothes can be a challenging task, especially when you need to do it quickly. However, there are some simple techniques you can use to instantly remove the smell from your garments. Here are some tips:

1. Use vinegar and baking soda

A mixture of vinegar and baking soda can help neutralize cologne odor from clothes. These agents are effective at neutralizing the alcohol in the fragrances that provides the odor.

To do this, mix one cup of white vinegar and one cup of baking soda and add it to your wash cycle. This will help remove any stubborn smells instantly.

2. Air it out

Leaving your clothes in the fresh air and sunshine can help eliminate cologne odor. Hang your clothes outside on a clothesline or balcony for a few hours to let the air and sun do their magic.

3. Use a fabric freshener spray

A fabric freshener spray can quickly mask the smell of cologne on your clothes. Spray it on your clothes, and let it dry for a few minutes. You can also use essential oils in a spray bottle with water to create a natural scent.

4. Freeze your clothes

Place your clothes in a plastic bag and put them in the freezer for a few hours. The freezing temperature will kill any bacteria that may be causing the cologne smell. After removing them from the freezer, let them thaw and air dry.

Try out these tips to instantly remove cologne smell from your clothes without any washing. They are easy, quick, and effective.

How to Remove Perfume Smell from Room

Getting rid of cologne smell from a room can be a challenging task, but with the right techniques and strategies, it is achievable. Here are some tips to help you neutralize the scent of cologne in your room:

How to Get Rid of Perfume Smell Fast in 4 Steps

  1. Air circulation: Open windows and doors to allow fresh air to circulate in the room. You can also use a fan or air purifier to improve air circulation and speed up the process.
  2. Activated charcoal: Using activated charcoal is another natural way to absorb odors. Place a few pieces of activated charcoal in a bowl and leave it in the room for a few days. Replace it with a fresh batch until the cologne smell disappears.
  3. Clean surfaces: Wipe down surfaces in the room, such as furniture, walls, and floors, with a solution of warm water and vinegar. This will remove any lingering cologne residue and neutralize the smell.
  4. Citrus peels: Citrus peels, such as lemon or orange, give off a refreshing scent that can combat the overpowering smell of cologne. Place the peels in a dish and leave them in the room for a few hours.

By using these methods, you can effectively remove the scent of cologne from your room and enjoy a fresh, clean atmosphere.

How to Get Rid of Strong Perfume Smell

If you’re dealing with a stubborn and overpowering cologne smell, don’t worry, there are some effective solutions to help you get rid of it. Here are some tips to eliminate strong perfume smell:

Use Odor Neutralizers

Odor neutralizers, such as Febreze, are great for getting rid of cologne smell fast. Spray them on your clothes, furniture, and carpets to eliminate the scent quickly. You can also use them in your car to get rid of cologne smell.

How to Remove Perfume Smell from Skin

Getting rid of a strong cologne smell from your skin can be challenging. Even after showering, the scent can linger on your skin for hours.

However, there are some effective solutions that can help you remove the perfume smell from your skin instantly.

One of the most simple methods to remove cologne smell from the skin is to use a mixture of warm water and baking soda. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda into a bowl of warm water and use a washcloth to apply the mixture onto your skin. Gently massage your skin with the washcloth for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. This will help neutralize the scent on your skin.

If you don’t have baking soda, you can also try using lemon juice to remove the cologne smell from your skin. Squeeze some fresh lemon juice onto a cotton ball or washcloth and dab it onto your skin. Let the juice sit on your skin for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. Lemon juice has a natural disinfectant and deodorizing property that can help remove the perfume smell.

Another effective solution to remove the cologne smell from your skin is to use a mixture of white vinegar and water. Mix equal parts of white vinegar and water in a bowl and apply the mixture onto your skin with a washcloth. Gently massage your skin for a few minutes, then rinse with warm water. The acidic properties of white vinegar will help neutralize the perfume smell on your skin.

Finally, using an odor-neutralizing body spray or lotion can help eliminate the scent of cologne from your skin. Look for products that are specifically designed to neutralize odor and are made of natural ingredients. Apply the spray or lotion onto your skin after showering, or throughout the day as needed.

How to Get Cologne Smell Out of Car

Do you love wearing cologne but hate how it lingers in your car even after you leave? Removing cologne smell from a car can be a challenging task, but not impossible.

Follow these steps to get rid of cologne smell in your car:

  1. Begin by removing any garbage or clutter from your car. This will make it easier to focus on the smell.
  2. Vacuum your car thoroughly, paying attention to the carpets and upholstery. Use a strong vacuum with a crevice tool to reach tight spots.
  3. Wipe down all surfaces with a clean, damp cloth, including the dashboard, door panels, and seats.
  4. Use an odor-neutralizing spray or air freshener specifically designed for cars. Avoid using products with overpowering scents that can mask the cologne smell.
  5. If the smell persists, try placing an open box of baking soda in your car overnight. Baking soda absorbs odors naturally.
  6. For a more thorough cleaning, consider taking your car to a professional detailer who can use specialized products and techniques to remove stubborn smells.

By following these steps, you can eliminate cologne smell from your car and enjoy a fresh-smelling ride.


Congratulations! You have now learned various tips and tricks to get rid of cologne smell effectively and quickly. Remember, the key to eliminating cologne smell is to attack it from different angles, depending on the source and the surface.

If you want to remove cologne smell from clothes, furniture, or curtains, make sure to use the appropriate methods discussed in this article, such as using vinegar, baking soda, or activated charcoal.

To remove cologne smell from a room, you can use air purifiers, natural odor-absorbing materials, or DIY solutions such as essential oils or herbs.

Finally, don’t forget to cleanse your skin properly to get rid of lingering cologne smells. And if you want to eliminate cologne smell from your car, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this article.

Final Advice

It’s important to remember that prevention is key when it comes to cologne smell. To avoid overwhelming others with your cologne, make sure to apply it in moderation, on appropriate occasions, and apply it on your body’s pulse points.

Also, make sure to store your cologne properly, away from direct sunlight and heat, and replace it regularly to ensure its freshness.

We hope these tips and tricks will help you to keep your personal scent fresh and pleasant without overwhelming others. Thank you for reading!


Q: How can I get rid of cologne smell fast?

A: To quickly eliminate cologne smell, you can follow these easy steps and tips:

Q: How do I remove perfume smell from clothes without washing?

A: Here are some methods to remove cologne smell from clothes without washing:

Q: How can I instantly remove perfume smell from clothes?

A: If you need to instantly eliminate cologne smell from clothes, try these solutions:

Q: What are some ways to remove perfume smell from a room?

A: To remove cologne smell from a room, including furniture, carpets, and curtains, try these tips:

Q: How can I get rid of perfume smell fast?

A: If you want to quickly eliminate cologne smell from various surfaces and objects, try these methods:

Q: How do I get rid of strong perfume smell?

A: If you’re dealing with stubborn and strong cologne smells, these strategies can help:

Q: How do I remove perfume smell from clothes instantly without washing?

A: Here are alternative methods to instantly remove cologne smell from clothes without washing:

Q: How can I get rid of strong perfume smell in a room?

A: To eliminate lingering cologne smells in a room, try these tips and techniques:

Q: How do I remove perfume smell from skin?

A: To remove cologne smell from your skin, follow these cleansing techniques and use odor-neutralizing products:

Q: How do I get cologne smell out of a car?

A: If you want to eliminate cologne smell from your car interior, including upholstery, carpets, and air vents, follow these steps:

Q: How can I neutralize perfume smell in a room?

A: To neutralize cologne smell in a room, try these effective methods using natural, DIY solutions and commercial air fresheners:

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